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11/28/2021 0 Comments The Perfect Gift
I get a big kick out of seeing enormous cheese logs and over-stuffed cookie baskets and useless gadgets of all sorts and models looking oh-so-serious while wearing skinny jeans. It amazes and delights me to know that so many people all around the world are so busy, busy, busy – making things, buying things, selling things. It matters not that most of the catalog offerings do not appeal to me. I know I’m a corner case. My wife looks at the exact same catalogs that I do, but sees things differently. While I can float around happily in mid-ocean looking at all the goodies with some measure of detachment, my wife can get involved. For one thing, she genuinely likes more of it than I do. She can see value in a nice-looking jacket with front buttons done a certain way. That’s the shallow part of the ocean, the part where you can get gutted on a coral reef if you don’t watch out. She's aware of this, and she navigates accordingly. But my wife is equally sensitive to the ocean depths as well. While page-turning last week, I heard her say to herself, “This is why the Chinese hate us.” She was visualizing and feeling the dire straits of human beings working as wage slaves in some miserable factory over in China, turning out Home-Sweet-Home signs on wooden planks and collectible hummingbird figurines and little piles of guaranteed-to-fool-your-friends fake rubber dog turds. She’s probably right. This is probably why the Chinese hate us. Although, I think there are some other reasons as well. As far as holiday catalog seasons go, this has been a banner year so far. In addition to all the usual wonders – which will get some attention below – I’m getting a real bang out of seeing Corporate America scrambling around, clumsily trying to present itself as "woke." Many of the catalogs are now including gay couples with kids, plus-sized female models, people of all different colors, and so on. You've got to hand it to 'em. They're trying their damnedest. But it's super easy to spot the awkward handiwork. I keep calling my wife over and saying, “Check this out!” It's as if it's all being handled strategically, in post-production, instead of being embraced organically. "Just got a memo from Corporate. They say we need at least one LGBTQQIP2SAA image per section in the B-2 Winter edition, the one with the snow-globe on the cover. Tell Midge in Marketing to get on it, ASAP. First ask her if she knows what the hell LGBTQQIP2SAA means. Then tell her to get on it. We've got to fix this before it goes to the printer." It may well be that there are some sincere, good intentions behind this work. But here's the thing: I smell a rat. It feels to me like the corporate types are trying to pull the old my-best-friend-is-black ploy. And I find it patronizing. I guess it's just that I don't trust corporate motives on some basic, instinctual level. I suspect they're up to something. And that something has to do with turning a profit. So even though they're stepping up to reinvent themselves with a considerably expanded color / size / sexual-orientation palette, I'm just gonna go ahead and call bullshit. Here's one small clue that I'll respectfully submit as Exhibit A: Even with all this newborn woke-ness swirling about, I'm still only seeing a bunch of handsome and/or pretty faces of carefully vetted models looking back at me from catalog pages – men with chiseled jawlines; women with angelic smiles. If presenting visual diversity is such the hot ticket these days, then why am I not seeing anyone with any of the physical features that I see in the real world every single day? There are no raging acne cases or glass eyes pointing the wrong way or wicked scars on cheeks. There are no Joe Ordinary's or Jane Doe's. There are no balding dudes or guys with big, protruding guts. There are no amputees. There are no mullets or mohawks or skunk jobs. There are no little people. There are no women who look like they've single-handedly been keeping Marlboro in business for the last decade and a half. There are no sad eyes or sarcastic smiles. There are no people who you can tell are lonely just by the way they carry themselves. Maybe Corporate America will belly up to the bar one of these days, and we'll start seeing a little more truth in advertising. Then again, maybe not. Maybe that level of woke-ness would be taking it too far. Maybe Midge in Marketing has determined that it wouldn't be so good for sales. All that aside, I thought I’d share some of my fun catalog finds from the holiday season thus far. Alongside, I’m including what my Little Voice would like to say about each one. My Little Voice is demanding that I do so. (Just so you know: I don’t listen to everything my Little Voice tells me to do. I have enough sense to recognize that most of that would be wrong.) Enjoy! Fan-tastic
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Pool Shark
Let's Get Weird Do you know anyone who’s always laying heavy expectations on you to remember to put the Christ into your Christmas gifts? It can be a real pain in the ass. You’ve done your best to do right by them over the years with nicey-nice gifts from the Bible Store at the mall, but you’ve finally come to an important conclusion: This person is fundamentally miserable, and there’s nothing you can really do about it. So this year, why not have a little fun? Give ‘em a gift that’s just as blasphemous as it is religious. Just imagine the internal conflict they’ll experience when they open up your lovingly wrapped gift and take a gander at one of these precision-crafted oddities, all nestled in its little bed of manger straw. It's sure to inspire a forced smile and feigned gratitude. They can't not like a nativity scene! The cat version is particularly deranged – The big cats all look like they're getting ready to take a swipe at Kitten Jesus. Well, I have to say: This has been a real hoot. But it’s Sunday. It’s back to catalog cruising for me. Lots more to cover.
Happy holidays! – O.M. Kelsey
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